Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Khelso tries to call Eddie after hanging out with Reid on saturday night

Eddie's in Montreal or something and the time difference is off, so while she calls at about 2:30, 3:00am her time, where Eddie is its more like 6:00am or something ridiculous.  So she  calls, curses at the phone due to 'Eddies phones' ability to pick up and then passes out.

heres the result Via Eddie the next morning;

Eddie Hicks 24 January at 07:26
wait! alarm? 
what alarm? 
why alarm? 
phone alarm. 
what day is it? 
sunday. I think. 
sunday - alarm?
...do we have to ski today but I didn't know and someone set my alarm for me?
turn it off
both my arms are asleep.
where is my phone?
how do I move my arms?
that feels like a phone.
struggling to open it.
finally open it and drop it face down because of asleep arms. 
alarm? no more alarm.
oh, maybe i just hung up on kelsie. 
no, message.
... wait, what?

Eddie experienced great confusion at 6h00am local time today.

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