Friday, January 29, 2010

Rabies or the Rage Virus, either way i hope you can run fatty.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Classification and external resources

Dog with rabies virus
eMedicinemed/1374 eerg/493ped/1974

Rabies (pronounced /ˈreɪbiːz/. From Latinrabies) is a viral neuroinvasive disease that causes acute encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in warm-blooded animals. It is zoonotic (i.e., transmitted by animals), most commonly by a bite from an infected animal but occasionally by other forms of contact. Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms. It is a significant killer of livestock in some countries.

The rabies virus travels to the brain by following the peripheral nerves. The incubation period of the disease depends on how far the virus must travel to reach thecentral nervous system, usually taking a few months.[1] Once the infection reaches the central nervous system and symptoms begin to show, the infection is practically untreatable and usually fatal within days.

Early-stage symptoms of rabies are malaise, headache and fever, later progressing to more serious ones, including acute pain, violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, depression and inability to swallow water. Finally, the patient may experience periods of mania and lethargy, followed by coma. The primary cause of death is usually respiratory insufficiency.[1] 97% of human rabies cases come from dog bites.[2] In the United States, however, animal control and vaccination programs have effectively eliminated domestic dogs as reservoirs of rabies. [3]

so pretty much the point i'm illustrating here is well were all doomed if we don't get a handle on this, and well i suppose were doomed anyways. 

Rabies is the real life Zombie rage virus guys, wise up. maybe there's fact to these fiction movies. for example, remove the head??!!  remove the head, DESTROY the head to destroy the zombie. Destroy the head to destroy the rabies. I'm telling you, certainly not making that up. the truth is disgusting guys, seriously. WISE UP.

To aid my own credibility; I'm a Veterinary Assistant student.

so, at least tuck your pants in your socks. 

Zombie Virus already exists

An extreme behavior change could drive a person mad. One might even desire to attack others on site. This would benefit the virus by allowing it to spread through a bit from the infected organize to the victim. It’s understandable that because they don’t have control of their desires and motives the infected would loose their gift of freewill in other words a form of zombification. Viruses have the devastating ability to spread very rapidly and can easily cause a human epidemic or a zombie apocalypse .

A similar virus already exists that produces very similar symptoms to the hypothetical one stated above. This virus is common in dogs and well known, the Rabies virus. “Rabies is a viral disease of warm blooded animals that occurs world wide, with significant human health significance due to its fatal nature. Various outbreaks have occurred in the United States in the last decade.

Rabies is caused by an RNA virus belonging to the order Mononegavirales. All warm-blooded animals, including humans, are susceptible. When a wild animal is bitten by a rabid animal the virus enters the bloodstream, eventually spreading to the spinal cord and brain.

Clinical signs of rabies are quite variable, with a change in behavior being one of them more consistent findings. This behavior change can be as subtle as apprehension, or as extreme as biting in a normally friendly dog. Dogs might chew at the site they were bitten when they became infected, and can even maim themselves.

As the disease progresses dogs may show increased irritability, visciousness, excitability, and eating unusual objects, like wood. These dogs may hide in dark or quiet places, and will bite when provoked. Central nervous system signs like seizures will exhibit, and there may be paralysis prior to death.A phase of the disease causes paralysis of the muscles in the throat. This leads to excessive drooling and choking sounds due to an inability to swallow.” 
( )

Could a form of rabies be a future zombie virus? Viral warfare is another concern.In 1918 the infamous influenza virus was successful recreated in a lab . Today viral research is conducted in hundreds of laboratories around the world. It is not far fetched that modified viruses could be used as a weapon. If someone were to create a zombie virus and if it were to be released, a massive loss of life could be sustained before the virus is brought under control.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This is probably the most incredible thing i've seen since Falcore the Luck Dragon, from the 'never ending story.'  

K9H20 is a water rehabilitation center for animals. Animals that have just completely given up on life, the ability to walk is gone, the lust to live is gone and yet astonishingly Kendel, the owner operator of this facility/program, Brings it right back.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Khelso tries to call Eddie after hanging out with Reid on saturday night

Eddie's in Montreal or something and the time difference is off, so while she calls at about 2:30, 3:00am her time, where Eddie is its more like 6:00am or something ridiculous.  So she  calls, curses at the phone due to 'Eddies phones' ability to pick up and then passes out.

heres the result Via Eddie the next morning;

Eddie Hicks 24 January at 07:26
wait! alarm? 
what alarm? 
why alarm? 
phone alarm. 
what day is it? 
sunday. I think. 
sunday - alarm? we have to ski today but I didn't know and someone set my alarm for me?
turn it off
both my arms are asleep.
where is my phone?
how do I move my arms?
that feels like a phone.
struggling to open it.
finally open it and drop it face down because of asleep arms. 
alarm? no more alarm.
oh, maybe i just hung up on kelsie. 
no, message.
... wait, what?

Eddie experienced great confusion at 6h00am local time today.